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Map of sexual abuse and abuse of conscience incidents by priests and other clergy in Chile.

Actualizado: 7 ago 2020

This map was made by the survivors that constitute this support network.

It is periodically updated. Last update: august 6, 2020.

It contains public complaints against church members and secular actors in clerical environment. Priests, deacons, catechists, secular actors, nuns, brothers and sisters, consecrated, bishops and cardinals are mentioned. Those marked as accessories or accomplices of said crimes are also included.

Last update contains over 360 entries (49 new regarding jan 2020) with a similar number of reported incidents.

Global statistics

  • 4 cardinals

  • 27 bishops

  • 48 authorities: ambassador, monsignor, school principal, orphanage director, seminary director, vicar, superior, responsible, and others

  • 3 chaplains

  • 186 priests, parish priests

  • 15 deacons

  • 68 brothers, sisters, consecrated

  • 20 secular actors, professors, catechists

Religious orders mentioned (reported):

  • Assumptionists (1)

  • Barnabites (7)

  • Capuchins (3)

  • Claretians (2)

  • Clerics of Saint Viator (1)

  • Company of Jesus (24)

  • Saint Joseph Murialdo Congregation (1)

  • Escolapies (1)

  • Precious Blood (3)

  • Missionaries of Saint Francis de Sales (2)

  • Don Orione (1)

  • Franciscans (11)

  • Discalced Carmelite Friars (1)

  • Sisters of Providence (1)

  • Marist Brothers (29)

  • Legionaries of Christ (3)

  • Redentorists (1)

  • Mary Auxiliatrix (2)

  • Marianists (1)

  • French Mercedaries (2)

  • Mercedaries (4)

  • Missinaries of the divine word (1)

  • For the Consacrated Life (1)

  • Opus Dei (1)

  • Order of the Mother of God (Leonardins) (3)

  • Order of Mercy (1)

  • Order Cistercians (1)

  • Sacred Hearts (8)

  • Salesians (31)

  • Schoenstatt (7)

  • Servants of Charity - Foundation of the Don Guanella Work (5)

  • Missionary Society of Saint Columbano (4)

  • Ursulines (2)


Right after Archibishop Charles Scicluna and Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu, the Vatican ́s leading investigators, visited Chile, those who turned to said instance, relying on justice to be made, just watched two entire years pass them by and were never contacted again or information on their cases was denied to them to be delivered. This is why they came up to our Network, looking for advice to go to ordinary justice and handed over their complaint for this map. We are aware that not all of those who took part of the canon instance mentioned above have delivered their information for this map or gone to the national authorities to do so, which we strongly recommend for them to do and our Network ́s legal team is entirely at their disposal for filing their complaints before civil and penal law.

Constant impunity remains over the years, even decades between a first complaint received by the Church and any specific action of protection or care taken.

Also other complaints shed a light over the criminals being transferred within the counrty and abroad with no alleged cause after the first complaints.

An endless number of cases cross paths, not only whithin the same congregation but also

among themselves and the territorial clergy depending from archbishoprics, parrishes, and so on.

Most secular defendants are former clergy, trained as seminarians or postulant.

A position of territorial or structural power are much appreciated by these criminals.

This map is the only public source to which the Chilean people has access to, as much as from abroad, in order to look up for a defendant. Chilean district attorney ́s office and the Church itself stopped publishing statistics and took down the names of the defendants and accused, and even those who were convicted from the internet.

Since the map was launched, we are consulted on daily basis about some priest or former

clergy that may raise their suspicion, either for being transferred to another community or their sudden dismissal.

This is why, along with publishing this update on july 2020, we are incluiding a public list of

those who are mentioned on the map with the purpose of making it work as a wake up call to society.

Currently he Catholic Church isn ́t even delivering a list with those convicted by canon law,

therefore former clergy members can be found working as teachers, catechists or even school principals with no one alerting the community about them being pedophiles as the institution itself theywould be part of a while ago happened to confirm.

The sources of information provided are just the testimonies of survivors, the press releases (with the correspondent link on every entry) about complaints of this type of crime commited in chilean territory, the information provided by the Public Ministry (last report), the Catholic Church and our fellows at BishopAccountability.

This material remains incomplete. The outrageous secrecy that the Catholic Church keeps all around the world makes it extremely hard to gather all the information needed.

While you take a look at it, we invite you remember that only 4% to 6% of crimes of this kind are reported, that 4 out of 12 victims will ever manage to tell someone of their trust, that the other 8 will never tell anyone and the aftermath will remain until they die in silence.

When this map was introduced to society in april 2019 at the Museum of Memory we read a message to the whole community.

If you are willing to add or complement information you may write to us here this website or email us.

Share it, spread it.

The following names are the ones mentioned on the map:

Abel Perez

Adolfo Fuentes Corral

Alberto Jara Franzoy

Alejandro Abarca

Alejandro Goic Karmelic

Alex Troncoso

Alfonso Gielis Nulens

Alfredo Soiza Piñeyro

Amador Soto Miranda

Ana Teresa Araya Maldonado

Andrés Arteaga

Ángel Vicente Cerró

Angelo Leita Torresani

Antonio Enrique Valdebenito Muñoz

Antonio Larraín Pérez-Cotapos

Antonio Vargas

Aquiles Altamirano Herrera

Armando Alegria

Armando Zamora

Audín Araya Alarcón

Augusto Rojas Valdivia

Barry Robinson

Belarmino Pérez

Belisario Baldevenito Erices

Bernardino Piñera

Bernardo Alvarez

Bernardo Bastres

Carlos Aedo Méndez

Carlos Antonio Larraín Pérez-Cotapos

Carlos Antonio Manríquez Rebolledo

Carlos Enrique Peralta Luna

Carlos Lira

Carlos Morales Grandon

Carlos Ordóñez

Carlos Oviedo Cavada

Carlos Pellegrín Barrera

Carlos Vilches Castillo

Carlos Waldo Ignes Olguín

Carmelo Francisco Márquez Julio

Casiano Rojas Viera

Cesar Fernando Guzmán Guerra

Clemente Cerezo

Cristián Caro

Cristian Contreras Molina

Cristián Precht Bañados

Cristián Roncagliolo

Cristián Sepúlveda Rodríguez

Cristobal Lira Salinas

Cristóforo Colombo Serafín

Damián Heredia Carrasco

Daniel Aurelio Pauvif Rojas

Daniel Dinamarca Chamorro

Daniel J. Mangen/Mangan

Daniel Lescot Jerez

Dario Fuentes Cifuentes

Darío Nicolás Serrano

David Agustín Mondaca Rivas

David Vera Andrade

Diego Aldo Muñoz Fuentes

Diego Muñoz Fuentes

Diego Ossa

Dionisio Muñoz Aro

Domingo Mileo Toledo

Eduardo Alfredo Cádiz Jara SJ

Eduardo Olivares Martínez

Eduardo Ponce

Eduardo Rojas

Eduardo Rojas González

Elena Ruiz

Eliecer Huenchumán

Enrique Moreno Laval

Ernesto Castro

Estanislao Olivares Jacinto

Eugenio Céspedes Alarcón

Eugenio Valenzuela SJ

Evelyn Oñate Caamaño

Feliciano Ortega

Felipe Bacareza

Felipe Denegri Morales

Felix Leorza

Fernando Karadima

Fernando Ramos

Fr. Pedro Cisternas Alcaino

Francisco Basáñez Méndez

Francisco Bellotti

Francisco Cartes Aburto

Francisco Javier Errázuriz

Francisco Jose Cox Hunneus

Francisco Nuñez Calisto

Francisco Pancho Valenzuela

Francisco Valenzuela Sanhueza

Franklin Venegas

Freddy Gutiérrez Méndez

Gerald Fitzpatrick

Gerardo Araujo Sarabia

Gerardo Joannon

Gerardo Strooman Alarcón

Germán Cáceres Fuentes

Germán Chavez

Giuseppe Carraro Bacchin

Giuseppe Pulcinelli

Gonzalo Duarte Garcia de Cortazar

Gregorio Pastor

Guillermo Alvial

Guillermo Arceu Jeff

H. Cornell Bradley, S.J

Héctor Bravo Merino

Héctor Valdés Valdés

Hernan Enríquez Rozas

Hernán Gonzalez Rojas

Hernán Henríquez

Horacio Valenzuela

Hugo Cuevas

Hugo Márquez

Hugo Montes Brunet

Humberto Alarcón

Humberto Enriquez

Humberto Henríquez López

Humberto Palma Orellana

Isabel Margarita Lagos Droguett

Jaime Astorga Paulsen

Jaime Da Fonseca Hidalgo

Jaime Guzmán Astaburuaga

Jaime Low Cabeza

Jaime Valenzuela Pozo

Javier Hoyos

Javier Prado Aránguiz

Jeremiah Healy Kerins

Jesus Bayo

Jesus Castañeda

Jesus Marcos

Jesus Pérez

Jesús Trigero Juanes

John O’reilly

Jordi Jorba Navarro

Jorge Arturo Agustín Medina Estévez

Jorge Baeza Ramírez

Jorge Calderón

Jorge Carrillo

Jorge Delpiano

Jorge Domínguez

Jorge Enrique Laplagne Aguirre

Jorge Galaz Espinoza

Jorge Horta Espinoza

Jorge Marín Pérez

Jorge Prieto

Jorge Reinaldo Marín Pérez

José Andrés «Fr. Tato» Aguirre Ovalle

José Andrés Aguirre Ovalle

José Ángel Arregui Eraña

José Antonio Olguín

José Carraro Bacchin

José Donoso Chellew

José Lara Burgos

José Luis Díaz Atillano

José Luis Rabanal

José Miguel Narvaez Valenzuela

José Monasterio

Jose Olguin

José Quinteros Martínez

José Román Zúñiga

José Tomás Gatica

José Ulloa

José Urrutia Tapia

Jose Vicente Bastias

Juan Aguirre Marín (padre Juan Alberto)

Juan Alberto Arroyo Sanhueza

Juan Andrés Peretiatkowicz Valdés

Juan Barros Madrid

Juan Carlos Delgado Castillo

Juan Carlos González

Juan Carlos Mercado

Juan Carlos Orellana Acuña

Juan Henríquez Zapata

Juan Manuel Espinoza

Juan Miguel Leturia SJ

Juan Pablo Cárcamo SJ

Julio César Barahona Rosales

Julio Dutilh Ros

Julio Raúl Inostroza Caro

Juvenal Castro Silva

Leonel Gatica Quiroz

Leonel Ibacache

Luciano Antonio de la Barrera Arancibia

Luciano Arriagada Vergara

Luis Alberto Rubio González

Luis Castillo Santander

Luis Cornejo

Luis Felipe Egaña Baraona

Luis Felipe Izquierdo

Luis Florencio Ruiz Fernández

Luis Francisco Núñez Núñez

Luis Fuentealba

Luis Fuica Soto

Luis Infanti della Mora

Luis Izquierdo

Luis Melchor Juragaro Manaideke

Luis Morel Gumucio

Luis Peragallo Cabezas

Luis Ricardo Montenegro Fuentes

Luis Rubio Contreras

Manuel Fajardo

Manuel Hervia

Manuel Saúl Zamorano

Marcelo González Cárcamo

Marcelo Méndez Gloor

Marcelo Morales Márquez

Marcial Parada

Marco Antonio Órdenes Fernández

Mardoqueo Valenzuela

Mariano Labarca

Mariano Varona

Mario Mancilla Vera

Mauricio Montoya Márquez

Mauro Ojeda Videla

Miguel Ángel Katalinic

Miguel Ángel Panes Villalobos

Miguel Ángel Soto

Miguel Caviedes

Miguel Ortega

Mordoqueo Valenzuela Morales

Nelson Jerez

Nelson Jopia

Nelson Manuel Álvarado Sánchez

Nestor Leopoldo (Polo) Romero González

Nibaldo Escalante Trigo

Orlando Rogel Pinuer

Óscar Muñoz Toledo

Osvaldo Salgado Coe

P. Luis Garcia

Pablo (Paul) Böcker-Schepers

Pablo Isler Venegas

Pablo Lizama

Pablo Walter Isler Venegas

Padre "Derry"

Padre H

Padre M

Patricio Astorquiza

Pedro Barrientos

Pedro Bernardo Cisternas Alcaino

Pedro José Armendariz Elortegui

Pedro Mariano Labarca Araya

Pedro Ossandón

Pedro Quiroz Fernández

Plácido Soto Quiroz

Porfirio Diaz Reyes

Rafael Providell Molina

Rafael Villena Roco

Ramón Iturra Muñoz

Raúl González SJ

Raul Soto Hernandez

Reinaldo Mendez

Reinaldo Méndez Sánchez

Renato Poblete Barth SJ

Renato Riveros Silva

Renato Toro Medina

René Aguilera Colinier

René Benavides Rives

René Fernando Peña Benítez

Rev. C. Jeffries Burton, S.J.

Ricardo Ezzati

Ricardo Muñoz Quinteros

Richard Joey Aguinaldo

Rimsky Rojas

Roberto Icarte Encina

Roberto Koll

Roberto Salazar Soto

Robinson Piña

Rodolfo Adolfo Álamos Vergara

Rodrigo Alonzo Bilbao Zepeda

Rodrigo Allendes Muñoz

Rodrigo Gajardo Figueroa

Rodrigo Romero

Rodrigo Polanco Fermandois

Rodrigo Taborga

Rolando Contreras

Santiago Rubilar

Santiago Silva

Saul Manuel Zamorano Moreno

Sebastián Arce

Sergio Body

Sergio Julian Ríos Cordero

Sergio Mario Francisco Uribe Gutiérrez

Sergio Uribe

Tito Rivera

Tomás Aguayo

Tomás González Morales

Tomislav Koljatic

Vicente Soccorso

Víctor Carrera Triviño

Víctor Guerrero Díaz

Víctor Hernán Troncoso Lara

Víctor López

Víctor Lopez Orrego

Víctor Troncoso Lara

Waldo Ignes Olguin

Wolfgang Statt SJ

Zaccharia Penati Brioschi

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